Understand the difference between the Pubic bone and the Pubic bone

At Femi.Eko, we have received many messages from our customers who wonder why we choose to use the term "pubic bone" instead of "pubic bone" on our website and in our communications. These messages have inspired us to delve deeper into the linguistic and cultural differences between these two terms and explain our choice.

Why have we chosen to talk about this topic?
When we receive questions from our customers, it is a sign that the topic is generating interest and perhaps a bit of confusion. We want to make sure our customers feel informed and comfortable with the words we use to describe their bodies and our products.
When we started getting more questions about our choice of terminology, we saw it as an opportunity to engage in an important conversation about language and culture.
We chose to use the term "pubic bone" on our website, especially when describing our menstrual discs. Menstrual discs are designed to be placed directly under the cervix and rest against the pubic bone (pubic bone). This designation is more neutral and modern, reflecting our desire to remove shame and taboo around women's bodies.

Medical Perspective

Both "pubic bone" and "pubic bone" refer to the same anatomical structure known as the pubic bone (os pubis). The pubic bone is one of the three components that make up the hip bone, along with the ilium and ischium. The pubic bone plays a crucial role in the stability of the body as it connects the two halves of the pelvis at the front through the symphysis, a cartilage joint. This joint helps provide stability to the pelvis, which is important for various bodily functions and movements.
Cultural and Linguistic Development
Historical Context: The pubic bone
Traditionally, the term "pubic bone" has been used in Danish to describe the pubic bone. The word "shame" translates to "shame" in English, reflecting a historical perspective where this part of the body was viewed with some embarrassment or shame. This designation has contributed to a culture of discomfort and taboo surrounding conversations about genitalia and sexual health.
Modern Shift: The pubic bone
In recent years, there has been a cultural shift toward using the term "pubic bone," which translates directly to "pubic bone" or "sex bone." This change marks a movement towards a more open and accepting attitude towards the body and sexual health. The younger generation in particular prefers the "pubic bone," as it lacks the negative connotations of shame associated with the "pubic bone." This shift is part of a broader trend toward body positivity and destigmatizing conversations about sexual health.

Social Implications

The transition from the "pubic bone" to the "pubic bone" reflects a societal shift towards more open and shameless discussions about the body. This language development helps promote a healthier attitude towards anatomy and sexuality, encouraging education and awareness. By adopting a more neutral and anatomically correct term, society moves away from outdated feelings of shame and towards a more inclusive and accepting dialogue about the body.

Case Study: Linguistic Influence on Public Health

Historical Case: The pubic bone

Historically, the use of the "pubic bone" has reinforced feelings of embarrassment and discomfort. For example, educational materials and medical discussions that used the "pubic bone" have often contributed to a lack of open dialogue about sexual health. The negative connotations of this term could discourage people from seeking medical advice or discussing issues related to the pubic/genital area, potentially leading to untreated conditions or a lack of attention to important health issues.

Modern Perspective: The pubic bone

In contrast, the modern use of "pubic bone" aligns with efforts to normalize conversations about sexual health. Educational programs that use the "pubic bone" help demystify the body and promote a more straightforward and positive approach to discussing anatomy. This linguistic shift supports public health initiatives by encouraging people to talk openly about their bodies without fear of shame or embarrassment. It also helps promote early diagnosis and treatment of health problems related to the pubic/genital area.

Our Perspective at Femi.Eko

At Femie.Eko, we often use the word "pubic bone" on our website because it relates to the location of our menstrual discs, which are positioned directly under the cervix and rest against the pubic bone, or "pubic bone". We have received many emails from customers wondering why we do not use the term "pubic bone". We wish to emphasize that both terms are acceptable. However, as a modern and innovative brand, we want our terminology to reflect our products, which are also modern and progressive.

Why is it also called the pubic bone?

The "pubic bone" is a direct and neutral anatomical term used internationally and refers to the same bony structure. It is a more clinical and accurate term that avoids the cultural connotations associated with "pubic bone." This designation helps promote a more objective and open discussion of anatomy and health, which is important in both medical and educational contexts.


Although "pubic bone" and "pubic bone" refer to the same anatomical structure, their usage highlights significant cultural and social changes. The transition from the "pubic bone" to the "pubic bone" represents a broader movement toward body positivity and open conversations about sexual health. This language development is essential to promote a healthier and more inclusive approach to the understanding of the body.
For more detailed information on the anatomical and cultural aspects of these terms, please visit the following sources:
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