Bagudvendt livmoder? Find ud af, hvordan du placerer menstruationskoppen eller -skiven i sådanne tilfælde

Backward facing uterus? Find out how to place the menstrual cup or disc in such cases

Perhaps you have heard from a friend about FemiEko's reusable intimate products, such as menstrual pads, or read good reviews on the Internet about how comfortable it is to use a menstrual cup instead of tampons and pads. You also want to try them yourself, but you are faced with a dilemma. You have a retroverted uterus and are not sure if these devices that collect blood inside are right for you. We tell you everything you need to know about retroverted uterus, what it means, what causes it and what the symptoms are, how and if it affects your sex life and last but not least, how to place you menstrual cup or - disc, so you feel safe and secure with each period.

The retroverted uterus is also called retroflex or tilted uterus and has a different position than the usual one. Normally, the uterus is located at the front of the body. The retroverted uterus faces backwards.

To the question "Can I use a menstrual cup or disc if I have a backward-facing uterus?" is the answer “Yes”. To help you enjoy all the comfort that our products offer, we make small recommendations that will help you place it best.

What does retroverted uterus mean?

Studies show that 20% of women have a retroverted uterus. The uterus naturally tilts forward, starting at the cervix (or cervix), which is the opening from the vagina to the uterus. In the case of the retroverted uterus, the location is different as it faces backwards ie. in the opposite direction.

If you have a retroverted uterus, it may take several tries to place a menstrual cup correctly. With a little extra effort and by testing several angles during your period, you can find out what your body needs. How do you use it if you have a retroverted uterus? Usually must the menstrual cup sit just below the cervix and not cause discomfort. If the uterus is backwards, the cup should be placed slightly lower. Choose size A, which is intended for women with a low or medium cervix. After inserting it into the vagina, monitor its progress and see if it has created a vacuum with the vaginal walls and if there are any leaks. Talk to your gynecologist if you need special recommendations, e.g. about the position of the uterus. However, it is personal experience and time that will give you the answer to what suits you best.

FemiEko menstrual disc is specially designed to fit any type of cervix. It is placed much higher, below the pubic bone, and therefore fits across the width of the vaginal canal – where it collects blood – rather than below the cervix as with the cup. Therefore, women with a backward-facing uterus should have no problems using the menstrual disc. It may not be a perfect fit from the start, but you can experiment with different movements until you find the position that suits your uterus. You need to push more or bend the disc inwards. You can ask your doctor to advise you on the most effective maneuvers to achieve full coverage and avoid leakage.

Causes of retroverted uterus

Several causes of retroverted uterus have been identified, and among the most common are:

  • Genetic cause, ie. that the woman was born with such a womb;
  • Pressure caused by a tumor developing in the area around the uterus;
  • Pelvic surgery, which can cause adhesions that end up pulling the uterus out;
  • Fibroids in the uterus can change the shape and position of the uterus;
  • Retroverted uterus and pregnancy may be related because childbirth can cause the uterus to tilt
  • Menopause reduces estrogen, the pelvic muscles weaken over time, and the uterus changes position because the ligaments can no longer support it.

Symptoms of a retroverted uterus

Many women do not know or only find out in some context that they have a retroverted uterus because the change in position usually does not cause symptoms. However, there are some signs:

  • The backward-facing uterus and the sex life are usually not in conflict with each other, but certain positions during sex can cause discomfort;
  • Pain during menstruation may be related to the tilt of the uterus;
  • Bladder pressure and frequent trips to the toilet;
  • Mild incontinence;
  • Urinary tract infections;
  • Difficulty inserting a menstrual cup (as well as a disposable tampon).

Diagnosis of retroverted uterus

A simple routine pelvic exam will show where your uterus is, and often it will also be detected by a Pap test at the time of collection. Once the diagnosis of retroverted uterus is made, your gynecologist may recommend several tests to find out the exact cause, but for the most part it does not give rise to health problems. The best thing is to consult your specialist and ask all the necessary questions for peace of mind.

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